Technical Consultation Meetings

Regional Consultations have been held throughout the five years of the South Asian Forum

SAF representatives were brought together in four consultation meetings with the coordination and support of the SACG and the Regional Secretariat.

The consultations hosted by Pakistan (2006), India (2007), Kathmandu (2008), and Kathmandu (2010) were to consolidate work throughout the region and to bring this agenda to the forefront of government debate

The consultation brought together national coordinators, government representatives and children from each of the 8 members states in different settings such as

  • Coordinators meeting
  • Ministerial meeting
  • Child Participation meeting


Consultations were avenues for participants to establish linkages and identify progress and gaps concerning regional mechanism and the reinforcement of the activities addressing violence against children in the region.

Consultations were also platforms where to discuss crucial issues such as child marriage, child protection, child trafficking and child sexual exploitation and to examine the status of the issues as well as the main challenges and key recommendations.

SAF consultations have been relevant to children as they were provided with the opportunity to share their experiences, good practices and models of successful child and youth-led interventions and also recommend government how to move ahead in tackling important issues related to violence against children.

Today SAIEVAC Technical consultation includes SAIEVAC National Coordinators, relevant national, regional and international actors working on child protection, as well as technical representatives from Social Welfare (or equivalent) Ministries and participants from other Ministries from SAARC countries.

The consultation comprises of a workshop that will also bring together children and youth representatives, national and regional representatives of SACG, (International) Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil Society Organizations, United Nations and other International Organizations, as well as other key child protection stakeholders and child rights actors from South Asia.

Additionally the technical consultation develop recommendations for the improvement of the protection of children against violence in South Asia. These recommendations are to be presented to the SAIEVAC Governing Board for adoption, during its annual session, which will be held following the Technical Consultation.

Download 1st SAF Consultation Report

Download 2nd SAF Consultation Report

Download 3rd SAF Consultation Report

Download 4th SAF Meeting Report

Download The 5 SAF Coordinators Meeting Report

Download SAF Ministerial Meeting Report

Download SAF Children Participation Meeting Report

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