SAIEVAC’s 3rd Technical Consultation on Eliminating Harmful Practices affecting Children Based on Tradition, Culture, Religion and Superstition was held from 26th to 27th September 2013 in Thimphu, Bhutan.
3rd TC in session
3rd TC – Afghanistan delegates
Bangladesh delegates
Bhutan delegates
Chief Guest releases the INCO Report
Child Governing Board member addresses Innaugural session
Child Marriage Tech. Paper Presentation
COP Presentation
CP Initiative in the Baltic States
Defining Harmful Practices
Draft Plan of Action Presentation for ending Child MarriageDSC_6132
His Excellency the Minister of Home and Cultural Affairs, RGOB give the keynote innaugural address
ILO Regional Director addresses the Innaugural session
India delegates
Maldives delegate
Nepal delegates
Outcome Presentation of Children’s Prep. Meeting
Pakistan Delegates
Participants of the SAIEVAC 3rd Technical Consultation
Presentation by UNSRSG VaC
Research Findings of Harmful Practices from Bangladesh
SAARC Secretariat Director
Sri Lanka Delegates
The Chair and Co-chair
The SAIEVAC Director General addresses the Inaugural Session
The SAIEVAC GB Chair addresses the Innaugural session
1-minute silence observed for victims of earthquake in Pakistan
Please see the Recommendations of the 3rd Technical Consultation at this link .