About Us
The South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children is a SAARC Apex body which is an inter-governmental body with a vision that all children, girls and boys, throughout South Asia enjoy their right to an environment free from all forms of violence, abuse, exploitation, neglect and discrimination. Our work is divided into the following Thematic Areas:

Child Marriage
Child Marriage is rampant in South Asia with 48 per cent of young women reporting being married before the age of 18. Child Marriage usually occurs because of poverty and the lack of economic opportunities for girls in rural areas.

Sexual abuse and exploitation
The most hidden and underreported form of violence against children and youth is sexual abuse. Sexual abuse affects both boys and girls and often happens within the family, in schools and the community, in the majority of cases (outside armed…

Child Labour
In South Asia, around 44 million or 13% of all children are involved in child labour. Economic exploitation is seen as one of the most common forms of violence in the region. Children often work long hours with little or…

Corporal Punishment
Violent punishment of children is now recognised as a human rights violation. The Committee on the Rights of the Child and other human rights Treaty Bodies systematically recommend prohibition of corporal punishment and other humiliating forms of punishment in all…

The criminal and clandestine nature of trafficking makes it difficult to gather reliable data but child trafficking is widespread in South Asia, and include both internal trafficking and trafficking across international borders. Victims of trafficking end up in various forms…
Out of the Shadows Index
The Out of the Shadows Index is a benchmarking tool for countries to use to track their progress in responding to and preventing child sexual abuse and exploitation. Created by the Economist Intelligence Unit, it assesses 60 countries around the world, accounting for 85% of the world’s children.
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SAIEVAC mechanism
The SAIEVAC mechanism is governed by a Governing Board that acts as the institutional mechanism to oversee the SAIEVAC process. The Governing Board consists of Government Representatives, Child Representatives, international agency representatives, and civil society representatives from the SAIEVAC member countries